AI + Human Intelligence = Enterprise Transformation

Your trusted partner in the enterprise transformation journey

AI + Human Intelligence = Enterprise Transformation


We help our government, academic and public sector customers accomplish more public good with efficient budgets, process and outcomes.


We help enterprise customers spin up POCs with high agility, navigate organizational change management and land concrete ROI at production.


We help startups with their product development, ML model training, data labeling, and scale TechOps from edge to cloud deployments.

Data-driven Transformation With AI & Human Intelligence

From the chaotic problems of everyday to the data-driven go-forward-solution that brings your organization to a new efficient frontier of high performance, we stand with you all the way. 

Because, in today's world, solving business challenges requires more than a strategic intent. It requires combining technology with world-class expertise to not only solve difficult challenges but also to reinvent the business. 

Building the Transformation Strategy

At 1stZoom, we are dedicated to helping businesses chart a course to success through our comprehensive business strategy consulting services. In a fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, having a well-defined and adaptable strategy is essential. Our team of seasoned consultants combines industry expertise with innovative thinking to provide tailored solutions that address your unique challenges and goals. Whether you're looking to find the right people, optimize operations, expand into new markets, improve profitability, or navigate complex industry changes, we offer a partnership that brings clarity, direction, and sustainable growth. With data-driven insights and a commitment to your success, we work hand in hand with you to develop, implement, and refine strategies that position your business for long-term prosperity. Let us be your strategic partner, guiding you towards a brighter, more profitable future. Your success is our mission, and we're ready to embark on this journey with you.

Featured Solutions & Services

Enterprise AI

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the power of AI is undeniable, and we are your trusted partner to harness its full potential. Our comprehensive suite of AI services encompasses everything from AI strategy consulting to end-to-end AI solution development, deployment, and ongoing support. Whether it's streamlining your operations, improving customer experiences, or gaining data-driven insights, we tailor AI solutions to your unique business needs. We understand that AI is not just about algorithms; it's about solving real-world challenges, and we have a track record of delivering tangible results.

Cloud and Edge

Unlock the boundless potential of your digital ecosystem with our Cloud and Edge Services. In today's fast-paced world, where information and connectivity are critical, we offer a comprehensive solution that seamlessly bridges the cloud and edge. Our expert team ensures that your data and applications are seamlessly distributed, delivering real-time insights and rapid responses where and when you need them. With our service, you can optimize your cloud resources, enhance edge computing capabilities, and harness the power of both worlds. Say goodbye to latency and data bottlenecks. Choose our Cloud and Edge Services, and experience a digital ecosystem that maximizes both cloud scalability and edge speed, all at your command. Your success awaits in the convergence of the cloud and the edge.

Infrastructure Monitoring

In today's digitally driven world, the health and efficiency of your systems are pivotal to your business success. We offer a comprehensive solution that takes the guesswork out of infrastructure management. Our experienced team monitors your infrastructure around the clock, ensuring it operates at peak performance while swiftly identifying and resolving issues. With our managed service, you can focus on strategic initiatives while we handle the intricacies of infrastructure monitoring. Say goodbye to unexpected downtime, costly outages, and performance bottlenecks. Embrace a proactive, resilient, and efficient infrastructure, and watch your organization thrive. Choose our Infrastructure Monitoring Service, and keep your systems optimized and your business on the path to success.


Safeguarding your organization's digital assets and protecting against cyber threats is paramount in today's interconnected world. Our Cybersecurity Services are your shield in the digital realm, offering a comprehensive solution to fortify your defenses. Our team of dedicated cybersecurity experts stands ready to protect your data, networks, and systems from the ever-evolving threat landscape. With our managed service, you can focus on your core business while we keep a watchful eye, proactively identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating risks. Say goodbye to sleepless nights worrying about cyberattacks and data breaches. Embrace a proactive, resilient, and robust cybersecurity strategy, and ensure the continuity and trustworthiness of your operations. Choose our Cybersecurity Services to keep your digital assets secure, allowing your organization to thrive in an increasingly complex digital environment.

Content Management Systems

We understand that managing and delivering content effectively is at the heart of your business success. That's why we offer a seamless and comprehensive solution that takes the burden of CMS management off your shoulders. Our dedicated team of experts will ensure your CMS is always up-to-date, secure, and optimized for peak performance. With our managed service, you can focus on creating and curating content while we handle the technical aspects. Say goodbye to downtime, security concerns, and scalability challenges. Embrace a worry-free, efficient, and reliable content management experience, and let your business thrive. Choose our CMS Managed Service and enjoy content management without the hassle.

Application Development

Application Development Services are the lifeblood of the digital age, empowering businesses and individuals to bring their innovative ideas to life. Our expert team specializes in crafting customized, high-performance applications that cater to your unique needs and goals. We take your concept and transform it into a user-friendly, robust, and efficient software solution. Whether it's a mobile app, web application, or desktop software, our services cover the full development lifecycle, from ideation and design to coding, testing, deployment, and ongoing support. We're committed to delivering applications that not only meet your immediate requirements but also scale and adapt as your business grows. With a focus on cutting-edge technologies, responsive design, and user experience, our Application Development Services ensure that your digital presence remains at the forefront of your industry, driving innovation and success.

Platform and Technology Partners

Flexibility To Meet Your Organizations Needs

Bespoke Solutions

Bespoke and custom-fitted solutions to meet your specific organizational needs

Turnkey Solutions

Turnkey and ready-to-go solutions when your needs are not as bespoke

Choose Your Budget

Flexibility to choose your budget in terms of capital or operating expense